28 January 2009

OK, OK... this post totally doesn't count...


I really really realllllly meant to do a full post today. Except, see, the boyfriend took a snow day, and you know, really, I couldn't tell you the last time we had an entire day together. So we stayed away from the Interweb in general and walked and did groceries and laundry and cooked dinner. Is this what normal couples do? I'm sure we'd get sick of each other after, like, three days of this.

But - this is what I was talking about when I said the weird stuff came to me.

Or, as my friend S asked when I showed her this picture, "Why did you take a picture of turds?"

1 comment:

  1. holy crap - there were 2 posts! and i so know the whole not having it right there... gee -so not an excuse my dear. i don't get "cheese" - "cheese!" and why? b/c the idiots at the commissary don't realize that casein is an animal product. i'm all excited to go stateside to try out products and ship some stuff that's non perishable home... you have what? an hour or so drive? bite me!

    lots of love!
